Why should I choose BAS & MORE?

With over 10 years’ experience in the financial sector, we implement the best and latest bookkeeping practices to maximise each client’s business potential.

BAS & MORE brings together hardworking and solution-driven bookkeepers who offer exceptional, friendly support to our clientele.

Our clients include businesses of various sizes and not-for-profit organisations nationwide who choose BAS & MORE because of our professional and ethical business standards as well as a positive, can-do attitude.

What can I expect from BAS & MORE?

You can expect more than a simple service provision. We start by assessing your current financial situation to make sure your business is compliant with the ATO and other relevant bodies.

Then we analyse your business needs and set up software and internal processes to assist with business growth.

From startups to medium and large businesses, we offer customised financial solutions to help unlock your full business potential.

Since our services are scalable, once your business grows, we will create a capacity to handle your business requirements.

Why outsourced bookkeeping is a better option for my business?

It seems to be a perfect solution to have an on-site bookkeeper dedicated to your financial needs. However, if that person leaves for various reasons, all bookkeeping knowledge of how your business runs will leave as well.

With that in mind, at BAS & MORE, we have developed a risk management solution – a team of experienced bookkeepers will manage your account. And even if one of them would be unable to perform their duties, you won’t feel the difference in the quality of our services.

Can you do my tax return?

No, we do not specialise in preparation and lodgment of tax returns as we are BAS agents and not tax agents. However, at the end of each financial year, we will work with you accountant to maximise your tax returns. Alternatively, we can recommend a tax agent to you.

What areas can you service?

Being outsourced professionals, we have clients in Melbourne and interstate. All you need is giving us a call on 1 300 227 770 to discuss your needs or simply email info@basnmore.com.au

What services do you offer?

From general bookkeeping to virtual CFO services and business administration, we aim to deliver financial order to your business and help you unlock its full potential.

Learn more about our services and service offers here.

Are you a registered BAS Agent?

Yes, BAS & MORE is a registered BAS Agent No. 27247003, so you can be comfortable in the knowledge that we have the expertise to take care of your bookkeeping needs in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct set out by the Tax Practitioners Board.

Do we have to enter into a contract to use your services?

BAS & MORE has a standard Engagement Letter that explains the scope of the work, pricing and obligations we have to each other as a service provider and a client. It does not lock you into a specific time period unless you prefer a fixed term agreement.

How do we get started?

Give us a call on 1300 227 770 or email info@basnmore.com.au and we’ll arrange a time to to meet each other and learn more about your business needs and to discuss how we can assist you to reach your goals faster. Don’t forget, your first consultation is FREE.


We understand that each business has its own needs and goals. That’s why, it’s always best to meet in person and discuss how we can assist you. And besides, your first consultation is absolutely FREE. Let’s talk.

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1300 227 770

MON – SUN 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM

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